A unique journey through ceremonial spaces
Incorporating nature into our design process has been paramount. From the outset, we found inspiration in the textures and materials native to the site, guiding us to craft organic structures that seamlessly blend with the environment. Our approach draws deeply from the rich tapestry of local materials and the vibrant spirit of village communities, ensuring that our designs not only harmonize with their surroundings but also resonate with the island's essence.
By adapting to the resources the island provides, we foster sustainability and create spaces that feel like a natural extension of the landscape.

Native construction heritage
A construction method widely used by indigenous communities to protect housing from animals, provide ventilation and protect against flooding

Site Analysis
Knowing the different elevations of the plot of land we can understand how sunlight enters and brings different opportunities and constraints.
Through a water flow analysis we can determine how water behaves and gathers. These water clusters give us a hint of how we can use water to our advantage.
Flora & Fauna
The vegetation and animal diversity help us describe our landscape.
From the arrival to the beach, these elements set different profiles for the site to develop interesting opportunities.
Sun & Wind
It's important to understand our climate.
All our cabins take advantage of our front beach winds and give shelter for sun and rain in unique ways.

Project Scenarios
Each scenario provides the opportunity of creating an unique identity establishing multiple style profiles and senses
A special connection with the Caribbean crystal waters and feeling the power of the ocean creates an important sense of freedom
Our own private lake establishes the intimacy of a quiet atmosphere
Tropical Rainforest
A dense tropical rainforest attracts shade, impressive sounds with the potential of absorbing users in a natural landscape
The mangrove as a natural shelter space, introduces us to the arrival, framing the site